

  • Icon Public API

    • Public API that enables developers to access Eigen Fintech endpoints via HTTP requests

  • Icon Build your own strategy

    • Develop your algorithmic trading strategy with ease, no coding required - simply drag and drop.

  • Icon Strategy leaderboard

    • Strategies ranking based on their performance.

  • Icon Automated trading solutions

    • Providing real trading solutions, through partnership with exchanges/brokers.

  • IconNews sentiment

    • Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to analyze the news of the given asset, currently in R&D.

  • Icon More ML models to be integrated

    • ML models to forecast the market, currently in R&D.

  • Icon More statistical models to be integrated

    • Statistical / Financial models to forecast the market as well as optimizing the exit strategy, currently in R&D.

  • Icon Business Solutions

    • Custom solutions that cater to the specific requirements of businesses..